Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Being Blessed in what you do  -  James 1:19-25

What is the most successful plant, garden, crop, or tree you have ever grown/cultivated or cared for?  What made it successful?

When you think of someone who is “truly blessed” what does it look like?  What makes them “blessed”?

 Read the following  verse from James; James 1:25b

Now Read the preceding verses:  James 1:19-25

On Sunday* Jeff said that  there were 3 ways to be  Blessed in what you do”.

1)       Receive the engrafted word of God

2)      Be a doer of the word of God

3)      Look intently into the word of God

In this Study we will look at 2 elements:  The engrafting (implanting) of the Word of God and second, the reason why we engraft the word of God.

RESEARCH:   What does it look like to be blessed in the Bible?  Read the following verses and then record/share your insights:

Matthew 5:1-13

Joshua 1:6-9

Psalm 1:1-3

                 Draw a picture of Psalm 1:3.

If you were at church Sunday – describe “grafting” from Jeff’s example of the apple tree. If you are doing this as the online Bible Study you might watch this youtube video   

If you were at church Sunday – describe “grafting” from Jeff’s example of the apple tree.  If you are doing this as the online Bible Study  you might watch this youtube video 

The way we Engraft God’s Word is through the meditation mentioned in the verses we just read:


Why is it important that we MEDITATE ON and ENGRAFT GOD’S WORD?

Read 2 Timothy 4:3-4

What does Paul warn Timothy (us) will happen?  What will people “turn their ears away from”?

Why did Jesus come? 

John 18:38

What did he bring to us?

John 1:17

When we read the Bible who will help us?  What will He help us discover?

John 14:16-17; 16:13

When was the first time recorded in Scripture that Satan distorted Truth?  Genesis 3:1-6

What areas in our culture are some areas where truth has been “turned away from”?

If you are doing this Study as a group, do the following OR end in prayer if you are out of time.  If you are doing this Study online, Share ONE area of discovery from below on the blog comments section.

May God Bless your study of His Word,  that is truth!

Fill in the left column below from your thoughts or discussion.  Then read, pray, research and find truth from God’s word to answer each area:

An area from which the world has
 turned away from Truth
Biblical Truth answers!

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